

1. Red Phoenix Consulting Services Inc.
2. Claritas Consulting Inc.

Closing Date

July 23, 2018

Revised October 2, 2020


Richard Oppelt
Purchasing Manager
Finance & Technology Department
Tel: (604) 590-7274

Request for Expressions of Interest


The City of Surrey has developed a district energy utility that delivers thermal energy to new and existing buildings within the City Centre area.  The utility operates as a business unit of the City’s Engineering Department under the brand name, Surrey City Energy (“SCE”).

SCE is a municipally-owned utility and, as such, is exempt from the regulatory oversight of the British Columbia Utilities Commission (“BCUC”). Similar to the City’s water, sewer, drainage and solid waste utilities, Council is tasked with the responsibility of regulating the pricing of services being delivered under the utility and ensuring that the public interest is served.


The panel is comprised of three (3) members that are appointed by Council with Council appointing one (1) member as the Chair. The panel will provide objective, expert advice to the City regarding SCE utility rate structure and rates consistent with the rate-setting principles articulated in Schedule B, District Energy Rate-Setting Policy.

The City seeks Submissions from Respondents for one (1) panel member. The City may recommend Council appoint more than one (1) Respondent from this RFEOI/SOQ based on the quality of Submissions received and at the sole discretion of the City.

RFEOI Document for download: 
District Energy Rate Review Panel (.pdf)
If the City determines that an amendment is required to this RFEOI/SOQ, the City Representative will issue a written addendum by posting it on the BC Bid Website at (the “BC Bid Website”) and the City Website at (the “City Website”) that will form part of this RFEOI/SOQ.  It is the responsibility of Respondents to check the BC Bid Website and the City Website for addenda. The only way this RFEOI/SOQ may be added to, or amended in any way, is by a formal written addendum. No other communication, whether written or oral, from any person will affect or modify the terms of this RFEOI/SOQ or may be relied upon by any Respondent. By delivery of a Submission, Respondent is deemed to have received, accepted and understood the entire RFEOI/SOQ including, any and all addenda.

All inquiries related to this RFEOI should be directed, by email, to the person named above.