2023 City Achievements
Review the City of Surrey's key accomplishments achieved in 2023.
The City of Surrey has moved ahead on major projects to improve livability, enhance public safety, deliver new infrastructure that will prepare the City for future growth. Read the full corporate report.
"From building new infrastructure to enhancing public safety, Council has worked hard to improve the livability of our growing city." - Mayor Brenda Locke
Enhancing public safety
Focusing on the well-being and protection of everyone in the community is a key priority for this Council.
- New funding for additional 25 RCMP officers, 20 Fire Services personnel, and 10 Bylaw officers
- Re-establishment of Public Safety Committee dissolved by previous City Council
- A new Bylaw/RCMP Bike patrol program was implemented
- Successful legal action taken against six illegal construction projects

Housing and development
Improvements in the City’s development approval processes are providing a positive impact on overall community access to housing.
Record-setting year for development
2023 was a record-setting year for development with 9,471 housing units permitted through rezoning, creating 4,697 new housing units in Surrey this year. There are currently roughly 60,000 housing units in the approval pipeline.
Guaranteed permit timelines
The City has established guaranteed timelines for certain common processes, including single-family house building permits, tenant improvement permits, single-family rezoning, and rezonings with a development permit.
Streamlining building permit process
By allowing application of a building permit after obtaining a P.L.A.
Council restarts Surrey City Development Corporation
SCDC’s model is unique and has had success in kickstarting investment in the City Centre area. In its second iteration, SCDC will continue to spur and attract investment and focus on creating new and diverse housing options in Surrey. Visit scdc.ca to learn more.
Building for the future
The City has applied and received a provisional award for a $95M grant through CMHC’s Housing Accelerator Fund to help increase access to housing of all kinds in the community.
Improving accessibility and livability
Building stronger local communities and enhancing quality of life through action to improve the quality of local environments and the places where residents live.
Transportation infrastructure projects
Improving transportation infrastructure was a key priority for Council in 2023 resulting in over $100 million in transportation.
Corridor improvements on 80 Avenue in Newton
Investing in 80 Avenue to improve traffic flow, road safety, and neighbourhood access.
152 Street connecting Sullivan to South Surrey
Upgrading 152 Street in the lowlands to increase flood protection, traffic flow and travel options.
Design for the widening of 32 Avenue from 184 Street to 188 Street is complete
Widening 32 Avenue to four lanes from 176 Street to 188 Street. In 2014, 32 Avenue widening construction works were completed from 188 Street to 192 Street.
Widening 132 Street to four lanes from 72 Avenue to 80 Avenue
In July 2023, Surrey City Council approved a contract for the design of 132 Street Arterial Widening to four lanes from 72 Avenue to 80 Avenue.
Completion of Nicomekl River Bridge
The new Nicomekl River Bridge improves traffic flow and safety along this busy corridor that accommodates more than 26,000 vehicles daily.
New pedestrian signals and crosswalks to enhance pedestrian safety
Read Corporate Report R213 for more information.
Community and cultural events
Enhancing the social infrastructure and contributing to community safety and well-being throughout the City.
We are proud to host
- Largest Vaisakhi parade in Canada
- Pride Days
- Canada Cup International Softball Championship
- Santa Parade of Lights in Cloverdale
What we are proud of
- 2023 Esprit award for Best Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative by the International Live Events Association for Fusion Festival
- UBCM Award for the SAFE anti-gang program that was created in Surrey and now fully funded by the City of Surrey.
- City of Surrey named as one of Canada’s Greenest Employers
- Surrey recognized as one of Canada’s Top Employers for Young People
- NAFA National Clean Air Award Winner