20 Avenue Improvements and Highway 99 Overpass
The City plans to make road improvements along 20 Avenue including an overpass over Highway 99.
20 Avenue corridor improvements will increase community connectivity, traffic movement, and safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
The 20 Avenue Highway 99 Overpass Project will connect communities in South Surrey to improve access to jobs, businesses, community centres, health services, schools and more. It will help alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow in the area.
The Project is identified in the Engineering Department’s 10-Year (2020-2029) Service Plan to support ongoing and future growth in Grandview Heights, including new access to the Sunnyside Heights neighbourhood.
Project phases:
20 Avenue corridor improvements will be done in stages.
Phase 1: Realignment of Croydon Drive
- A new route for Croydon Drive will be created to maintain access before we build the overpass.
- The new route will include 2 vehicle travel lanes.
- Construction will begin once the City has secured the necessary lands for the Croydon Drive realignment.
- The new route will be built to ultimate design with 4 travel lanes by development in the future.
- The existing Croydon Drive route will be closed once the new Croydon Drive route is created.
Phase 2: Construction of the Overpass and Associated Roadwork
- The overpass will include two vehicle travel lanes in each direction and a multiuse path on the north side for walking and cycling
- The overpass will include public art on the railing.
- Construction of the overpass will begin once the realignment of Croydon Drive is complete.
Future (TBD) Road Improvement Projects:
- 152 St to King George Boulevard - 2 lanes with multiuse paths. On-street parking added where possible
- King George Boulevard and 160 St. - 4 lanes with multiuse paths
- Extension to 164 St - 4 lanes with multiuse paths
If you missed the May 17, 2023 open house, you could view the presentation boards (Note timelines have changed since the open house).
For any feedback on the project, please contact the Design & Construction Division at engineering@surrey.ca