The City continues to invest in 32 Avenue to improve traffic flow, increase road safety and prepare for future growth.

Project description

32 Avenue is a key east-west link serving South Surrey including Rosemary Heights, Morgan Creek, and North Grandview Heights neighbourhoods. It also serves the Campbell Heights Business Park and is a designated truck route.

We have already widened much of 32 Avenue to reduce current travel times, improve access and road safety, and prepare for growth.  Next, we plan to widen the stretch from 176 Street to 188 Street with additional lanes, medians, traffic lights and a multiuse path for cycling and walking.

Project timing

Improvements will be made in phases:

Phase 1: 184 Street to 188 Street
Construction is anticipated to begin spring 2024 and be completed in 2025.

Phase 2: 176 Street to 184 Street
Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025 and be completed in 2026.

Key improvements

  • Repaving and widening the road from two to four travel lanes to improve traffic flow now and into the future
  • Installing a new traffic signal and pedestrian crossing at 32 Avenue and 188 Street to improve access and road safety
  • Adding a multiuse path on the south side of the street to make it safer to cycle and walk

Map of improvements

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Map of improvements from 176 St to 184 St
Map of improvements from 184 St to 188 St


Project design

Below are typical cross-sections for improvements between 176 Street and 184 Street.

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Road view of alignment




If you have questions or comments, please contact the Project Delivery Division at 604-591-4253 or