54 Avenue – Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer
Submissions under review
Closing Date
Revised November 8, 2022
Ryan Icasiano, Project Supervisor
P: 604-591-4284
E: ryan.icasiano@surrey.ca
The City of Surrey is requesting a quotation for installation of 220m-75mm diameter low-pressure sanitary sewer system on 54 Avenue @ 12700 block as specified on the Contract Drawings.
The tender documents which a tenderer should review to prepare a tender consist of all of the Contract Documents listed in Schedule 1 entitled “Schedule of Contract Documents”. Schedule 1 is attached to the Agreement which is included as part of the tender package. The Contract Documents include the drawings listed in Schedule 2 to the Agreement, entitled “List of Contract Drawings”.
Tenders should be emailed to Ryan Icasiano at the City of Surrey
Engineering Department at ryan.icasiano@surrey.ca.
on or before:
TENDER CLOSING DATE: November 8, 2022
A portion of the Contract Documents are included by reference. Copies of these documents have not been included with the tender package. These documents are the Instructions to
Tenderers - Part II, General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings. They are those contained in the publication entitled “Master Municipal Construction Documents - General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings” and the latest edition of “City of Surrey Supplementary Master Municipal Construction Documents- Supplementary
General Conditions, Supplementary Specifications, and Supplementary Standard Drawings”. Refer to Schedule 1 to the Agreement or, if not specified in Schedule 1, then the applicable
edition shall be the most recent edition as of the date of the Tender Closing Date. All sections of this publication are by reference included in the Contract Documents.
Any additional information made available to tenderers prior to the Tender Closing Time by the Owner or representative of the Owner, such as geotechnical reports or as-built plans, which is not expressly included in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 to the Agreement, is not included in the Contract Documents. Such additional information is made available only for the assistance of tenderers who must make their own judgment about its reliability, accuracy, completeness and relevance to the Contract, and neither the Owner nor any representative of the Owner gives any guarantee or representation that the additional information is reliable, accurate, complete or relevant.
Direct all inquiries regarding the Contract, to:
Ryan Icasiano, Project Supervisor
P: 604-591-4284
E: ryan.icasiano@surrey.ca