Oliver Lum

Senior Manager, Communications and Media Relations
Office of the Mayor


Amy Jugpal

Communications and Media Relations Lead
Office of the Mayor

Weekend and after-hour media requests

City Hall operating hours are weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. For after-hour media requests, email media.requests@surrey.ca. Media requests of an urgent and operational nature will be responded to after hours. All other requests will be actioned the next business day.

Media Release Search

Search for Surrey media releases by keyword or release date.

Today, the City of Surrey welcomes and is grateful for the nearly $15 million in federal and provincial funding from the COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant for Local Governments.

Residents and visitors are invited to watch from home as Mayor and Council flip the switch to light Surrey’s 60-ft Christmas tree.

All programs will require advanced reservations and will have new health protocols in place.

The injection of money is a result of the federal government’s Rapid Housing Initiative and will create a minimum of 33 units of new permanent affordable housing in Surrey.

City Council has approved the purchase of 16 connecting parcels of land in Newton. 

Plan will address population growth and identify priorities for next 10 years

The Cloverdale Fairgrounds will be transformed into Smallville, the hometown of Clark Kent (aka Superman).

Mayor McCallum: ‘Thank you to Surrey ratepayers for stepping up’

Storyboard unveiled at R.A. Nicholson Park

Swim lessons and aquafit classes will be introduced in the coming weeks.