
The two new programs will reach the youth where they are at and provide resources to help keep them constructively involved in the community

Media Release

Have you ever thought about becoming a lifeguard/swim instructor?  

Parks & Recreation

The turnout for this year’s campaign speaks to the dedication and commitment that Surrey residents have for keeping our city clean and welcoming.

Industrial activity is booming in Surrey’s Campbell Heights.

Media Release

Council has approved the widening of Fraser Highway from 96 Avenue to 148 Street.

Media Release

Council is committed to accelerating the development of the new Surrey hospital.

Media Release

With the surge in heat this summer, many of Surrey’s 80,000 public street trees need extra water to survive. Staff water trees on a schedule, but we could use your help! Here are some ways you can help water the trees along your street.

Parks & Recreation

Projects Start for Two Turf Fields and City Centre Sports Complex

Capital Projects
Media Release

Funding grants from the Department of Canadian Heritage provide significant assistance towards supporting artists and offer performing arts experiences for the community.

Arts & Culture