Designed to process 115,000 tonnes of organic waste a year, the Surrey Biofuel Facility is the largest of its kind in North America. It will help Metro Vancouver achieve its regional waste diversion objectives under the Integrated Solid Waste and Resource Management Plan.

The Surrey Biofuel Facility uses the latest anaerobic digestion technology to convert organic waste into renewable natural gas (RNG) and a sophisticated enclosed tunnel process to produce high-quality compost. It is fully enclosed with a state-of-the-art air treatment system that ensures minimal odour impact on the surrounding community. Annually, the facility can produce up to:

  • 120,000 gigajoules of renewable natural gas (RNG)
  • 45,000 tonnes of compost

That’s enough RNG to power 8,500 cars for a year!

Each year the facility processes organic waste from more than 150,000 Surrey households, local Industrial, Commercial and Institutional operations, and other municipalities in the region.

The RNG produced is used to power the City’s waste collection trucks, operations vehicle fleet and to feed the City’s District Energy System.

Our high quality ‘closed loop’ compost is available for purchase by a wide range of customers including farmers, landscapers and homeowners.

The facility design considered everything, from the siting of the facility structures to the graphic treatment on the exterior of the building, to optimize efficiencies and minimize environmental and community impacts from its operation.

Take a tour

Although in-person tours are currently unavailable, you can still explore and understand how the facility operates through our informative video below:


In 2014, the City of Surrey selected Orgaworld Canada to design, build, finance, maintain and operate the Surrey Biofuel Processing Facility.

The Surrey Biofuel Facility opened on March 9, 2018. 


  • May 30, 2018: Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators Willis Award for Innovation
  • March 9, 2018: Envision R Platinum Award


The Surrey Biofuel Facility, a showcase for its innovative use of anaerobic digestion and closed loop processing, represents a best practice example of implementing local infrastructure through a public-private partnership model. This model incorporates external funding sources, innovation and expertise, all to the benefit of taxpayers.

The facility is owned by City of Surrey and Operated by Convertus.

The Government of Canada contributed 16.9 million.