Young girl paints a picture outdoors

Every year Surrey awards a scholarship to a high school student with an interest in the arts.

Applications for 2024 are now open until 4:30 pm on July 5, 2024. 

Honey Hooser was a noted weaver and Surrey pioneer who settled in Surrey with her husband in 1921. She practiced and taught the craft of weaving and was keenly involved with the Peace Arch Weavers and Spinners Guild.

The Honey Hooser Scholarship was originally setup by her son Doug who contributed funds each year in support of the program.

The City of Surrey awards the $500 Honey Hooser Scholarship each year to a graduating post secondary arts student, or to a student with an interest in arts and crafts graduating from a senior secondary school in Surrey, or to a person with disabilities interested in arts and crafts.

The interest may be broad and include the study of the visual, graphic, or performing arts, or the development of the tools to facilitate these arts.

Apply now for the 2024 scholarship


2023 Honey Hooser Scholarship Winner

Christine Sorenson was awarded the 2023 Honey Hooser Scholarship. Christine is a grade-12 student from Sullivan Heights Secondary School.

Christine has demonstrated to be an academically gifted and artistically talented young woman. She has been passionate about fine arts from a young age and continues to develop her skills in visuals arts, graphite, charcoal, and pencil crayon drawing.

Christine has participated in a variety of extracurricular exhibitions and contests within her community.  She created a flag design for the National Access Ability Week Flag contest and finished second place. Her artwork piece “My Favourite Things”, a collection of her favourite things using pencil crayons and markers, was displayed in the Surrey Art Gallery for three months, receiving recognition from the Surrey School District. Christine has also received the “Excellence in Art” award every year she attended Sullivan Heights Secondary

Christine is focused, driven and truly demonstrates the spirit of the Honey Hooser Scholarship.


Honey Hooser at her Loom.
Museum of Surrey

Honey Hooser works on her loom in this photo from Museum of Surrey.