Oliver Lum

Senior Manager, Communications and Media Relations
Office of the Mayor


Amy Jugpal

Communications and Media Relations Lead
Office of the Mayor

Weekend and after-hour media requests

City Hall operating hours are weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. For after-hour media requests, email media.requests@surrey.ca. Media requests of an urgent and operational nature will be responded to after hours. All other requests will be actioned the next business day.

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The two awards are the Gold Award for the Surrey Makes PPE Program and the Silver Award for the Surrey SparkBIZ Program.

The company has projected bringing in over 300 local high-tech manufacturing jobs and over 500 high-tech office jobs by 2025, with total annual salaries exceeding $62 million.

Community planting events running until October 30, 2021.

To meet the growing needs of Whalley and City Centre, the City is seeking input from the community on which activities, features and amenities are important to them.

City of Surrey invites seniors, and their family and friends, to celebrate National Seniors Day on October 1, 2021.

Two of five planned artificial turf improvement projects now complete 

Since the budget was passed last December, Council has made tremendous headway in advancing the Surrey Invests initiative as quickly as possible.

Residents will help to plant both large shade trees and native trees and shrubs.

The program will connect up to 30 youth ages 13–19 with a City of Surrey outreach worker who will provide intensive one-on-one support at school and in the community.