Oliver Lum

Senior Manager, Communications and Media Relations
Office of the Mayor


Amy Jugpal

Communications and Media Relations Lead
Office of the Mayor

Weekend and after-hour media requests

City Hall operating hours are weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. For after-hour media requests, email media.requests@surrey.ca. Media requests of an urgent and operational nature will be responded to after hours. All other requests will be actioned the next business day.

Media Release Search

Search for Surrey media releases by keyword or release date.

Increased measures are being taken against COVID-19. Read the full statement from Mayor McCallum.

Increased measures are being taken against COVID-19. Read the full statement from Mayor McCallum.

 Events organized by City of Surrey that host more than 250 people are cancelled until further notice

Working smoke alarms provide an early warning and can be the difference between life and death.

Party for the Planet, presented by TD, returns to Surrey Civic Plaza on Saturday April 18, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Free youth programs: resume workshops, teen tech, leadership skills, craftmaking & movie nights.

The City of Surrey has been given approval to proceed with the formation of Surrey Police Department