South Westminster
We're creating a new plan for South Westminster. Check out South Westminster Plan to learn more and share your input.
South Westminster is the name of the largely industrial area along the banks of the Fraser River, between Scott Road SkyTrain Station and the Surrey Fraser Docks (Port of Vancouver). The area is characterized by the port and its supportive industrial lands, which transition to more business park and mixed used areas in the north, around the Scott Road SkyTrain station. The area is also home to one of surrey's beaches at Brownsville Bar Park, and the new North Surrey Sport & Ice Complex.
Plan area
The South Westminster Neighbourhood Concept Plan (NCP) area is bordered by the Fraser River in the West, King George Boulevard in the North and 96th Avenue in the South. The South Westminster Heights Infill Plan is to the east, between 104 Ave and 108 Ave.

Key documents
Background information
In 2001 Council endorsed Corporate Report R213 which directed staff to investigate rezoning and land use designation opportunities in the South Westminster area. The intent was to advance employment opportunities and higher quality development in the area.
In March, 2003, following preliminary planning work, Council approved the Terms of Reference to advance a land use plan for South Westminster. Later that year staff undertook a public consultation process which explored land use options and related servicing and financial issues.
In December, 2003, Council endorse Corporate Report C004 which approved the South Westminster NCP. Then, in 2005 council endorsed Corporate Report R034 which authorized amendments to the Zoning By-law, OCP Bylaw and several regulatory by-laws, which together supported the implementation of the policies and directions within the South Westminster NCP.
In April 2022, Council received Corporate Report R071 and authorized staff to undertake an update of the South Westminster NCP. The main purpose of the update is to reflect current market conditions and ensure that transit-oriented development principles are incorporated around the Scott Road SkyTrain Station and along the alignment of the planned R6 RapidBus.
Contact information
Kristen Lassonde
Community Planner