Trees on Neighbouring Properties
See what to do if you have an issue with a tree on a neighbouring property.
If you have an issue with your neighbour's trees, your first step is to speak with them. If the owner does not live on the property, you can do a search with the Land Title Office to get their mailing address.
The City cannot do tree removals or pruning on private property. Residents need to hire their own tree care professional if they need help with tree work.
Cutting down trees on a neighbour's property
The property owner (or their agent) must sign a tree cutting permit application form before the City will consider granting a tree cutting permit. If the tree is shared, both property owners will need to sign the application form.
Once the property owner(s) has signed the application form, you can submit your application.
City staff will not attend a property to look at a tree unless an application has been submitted.
Pruning your neighbour's trees
In general, you can trim back overhanging branches to the property line. You must prune to arboriculture industry standards. You must not damage the tree, kill it, or make it hazardous.
Hire an International Society of Arboriculture Certified arborist to ensure correct pruning of the tree.
Additional information
The City cannot give you permission to enter your neighbour's property. Ask your neighbour for permission if you need to cross the property line. The City cannot give you permission to throw the tree debris over the property line. Yard waste can be put in your organics cart and the City has a branch chipping program.
- The City will not mediate in disputes between neighbours.
- Arrangements made to carry out the work or for payment is a civil matter.
- If you cannot reach an agreement with your neighbour, you may want to get legal advice from a lawyer.
- If you have questions about insurance coverage, you will need to speak to your insurance company.