Cemetery Fees
Learn more about specific cemetery products, services and fees available throughout Surrey.
There is a wide variety of product and service options available at Surrey cemeteries, including interment options, graveside options, and memorial placement options.
Cemetery Fees
The City of Surrey cemeteries is open to the public, regardless of residency. Right of Interment fees are based on residency address at time of purchase, and Surrey residents receive a subsidized Right of Interment fee. Cemetery service fees are calculated on a cost recovery basis. The fees charged reflect what it costs to operate the cemeteries.
For pricing information on everything that is available, see our Cemetery Fee Schedule.
Preparation and placement fees can include up to and beyond 50 or more separate services provided by the cemetery. Typically, the fee includes:
- administration and permanent record keeping (determining ownership, obtaining permission and the completion of other documentation which may be required, entering the interment particulars in the interment register, maintaining all legal files);
- preparing the interment location to receive the deceased, placement and closing the grave (locating the grave and delineating the boundaries, excavating and filling the interment space, use of equipment);
- installation, use and removal of the lowering device;
- placement and removal of artificial grass dressing and/or matting at the grave site, leveling, tamping, re-grading and sodding the grave site;
- perpetual maintenance of the site, including leveling and re-sodding the grave if the earth settles.
Interment Availability
The table below outlines which interment options are available at Surrey Centre Cemetery, Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery and Hazelmere Cemetery.
No pre-need sales for plot purchases can be made at any of our three cemeteries, including Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery, Surrey Centre and Hazelmere Cemetery.
Interment Options | Surrey Centre Cemetery | Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery | Hazelmere Cemetery |
Traditional Casket Burial | Yes | Yes | Yes |
In-Ground Cremation Burial | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Columbarium Inurnment | Pending | Yes | Not at this time |
Scattering Garden | Pending | Yes | Yes |
Ossuary Interment | Pending | Yes | Not at this time |
Memorial Only | Pending | Yes | Yes |
Interment Options
Traditional Casket Burial/Interment
Grave sites are chosen in a methodical manner, working across any given section to minimize traffic of cemetery equipment in the future for the best possible scenario for long-term maintenance and aesthetics in the cemetery. Prior to 2018, all casket burial graves were single depth only. Companions who wished to be laid to rest together were placed side-by-side. Recent bylaw amendments have now allowed for double depth graves.
Families can choose a burial site within a certain area of their chosen cemetery. Six cremated remains are permitted on a full burial site. Each cremated remains placed will require a Right of Interment and can be placed only with the permission of the family.
In-Ground Cremation Burial/Interment
All three Surrey-owned cemetery locations offer in-ground cremation options. Interment options for cremated remains include in-ground burial, columbarium inurnment, scattering or ossuary placement. Cremation lots can accommodate up to two urns per grave site. There is room on each cremation grave for a memorial and flower vase. Fees for in-ground cremation lots are based on occupancy (single or double). Surrey also offers memorial only options for those families that have placed the cremated remains elsewhere, or in the unfortunate circumstance that a body was never recovered.
Columbarium Inurnment
A columbaria is an above-ground, multi-level structure made of metal and granite and composed of a number of niches to house cremated remains. Cremated remains placed in the columbaria must be in a durable sealed urn. Contact our office to determine if the urn you have chosen meets the requirements. Niches are purchased based on single or double occupancy and can easily accommodate two standard sized urns.
Ossuary Interment
An ossuary is a receptacle located below ground for the co-mingling of cremated remains. This option is very economical, while maintaining the dignity of handling cremated remains. Once cremated remains are placed in the ossuary they are non-recoverable. A bronze memorial can be placed on either the memorial wall or granite pillow for those wishing to place a memorial. Memorials are not mandatory.
Scattering Garden
A scattering garden (pictured above) is a place within the cemetery where loved ones can scatter the cremated remains amongst a collection of trees, plants and flowers. The cemetery crew maintains the garden for the benefit of cemetery visitors and must be present when a scattering takes place. A granite memorial pillow to hold bronze memorials is located in this garden for those wishing to place a memorial. Memorials are not mandatory.
As long as it is permitted by local regulation and the land owners, cremated remains can be scattered outside of a cemetery in a place that is meaningful to you. If you wish to be scattered somewhere, it is important to discuss your wishes ahead of time with the person or persons who will actually have to do the scattering.
Green Burials
The City of Surrey Cemetery Services does not offer green burials. A green burial generally means the body isn’t cremated or embalmed. Biodegradable caskets, shrouds and urns are used. The body also isn’t interred in a concrete vault. It may support land conservation and sustainable practices.
A memorial-only option is provided for those who may be laid to rest in another location, which may include, but is not limited to, another cemetery, scattered, another country, or if a body was never recovered.
Graveside Options
- Watch/Lower option: permitted but may be discouraged against at certain times of the year
- Watch/Close option: permitted but may be discouraged against at certain times of the year
- Canopies and Tents: available free of charge for inclement weather and shade from heat
- Graveside seating: available free of charge
Additional Products
Burial Vaults
A burial vault or liner is mandatory. At the time of making burial arrangements the office staff can explain the options and associated fees.
Cremation Vaults
Cremation vaults for in-ground interments are mandatory and in the legal best interest of the family.
Flower Vase
A flower vase for placement in the ground, separate from the memorial, is available in a black textured finish for a fee. A flower vase is not mandatory and can be purchased at any time. The flower vase must be purchased from the City. No outside flower containers in the ground are permitted.
Cremation Bronze Memorials
Bronze memorials (excluding ground memorials) are used on the columbaria niche fronts. The bronze memorials are uniform in shape, size and layout, and are supplied and installed by the City.
Bronze memorials for the scattering garden pillow and memorial wall located at the columbaria site are also available and are supplied and installed by the City, as per the Cemetery Management Bylaw.
The City has a selection of urns and keepsake urns available on display at our office.
The City has a selection of jewelry available for cremated remains, including a variety of necklace and bracelet options.