picture of branches burning

Learn about Surrey’s burning regulations, burning permits, and local fire danger ratings.

Outdoor burning regulations

As outlined in Surrey's Fire Prevention Bylaw No. 10771, open burning is not permitted in the City of Surrey. This means backyard fires, fire pits, chimineas, and any other type of outdoor burning other than propane or natural gas fire pits are not allowed.

Learn more about Outdoor Burning Safety and Regulations.

Barbeques in City parks

Natural gas & propane

Permitted at picnic table sites only.

Charcoal briquettes

  • Only permitted at picnic table sites that have City-sanctioned coal disposal containers.
  • When the fire danger rating is High or Extreme, no charcoal briquette barbeques are permitted in parks.
  • Refer to notices posted at City parks for more information.

Solid fuels

No burning of any solid fuels at any time unless the fire is compliant with Surrey's Fire Prevention Bylaw No. 10771.

Other burning

Cooking fires, campfires, and the burning of garbage are all prohibited in the City of Surrey.

SFS sign for A fire happened here
Signs are placed where a fire has occurred in a median or park and the most likely cause is an improperly disposed of cigarette or smoking material

Burning permits for agricultural purposes

Burning for agricultural purposes is allowed by permit only. The permit holder is responsible for checking the Metro Vancouver Air Quality Index to confirm burning is allowed each day.

Burning Permits for agriculture are subject to the following conditions and limitations:

  • Burning Permits will only be issued for properties zoned as agricultural, which have been classified as Farm/Agricultural land by BC Assessment and are actively engaged in agriculture/farming.
  • Burning Permits are valid only from January 1 to April 30 and October 1 to December 31.
  • Failure to abide by any of the conditions on the burning permit may result in cost recovery being applied for Fire Department attendance.
  • Proof of BC Assessment classification or Farm Status Card will be required to obtain a Burning Permit.
  • Agricultural Permit Burning will only be allowed for materials relevant to the continuation of the farming or agricultural operation and all materials burned must be indigenous to the property.
  • Materials from land clearing such as stumps and trees cannot be burned at any time.
  • The issue of a Permit is subject to the discretion of Surrey Fire Services.
  • Burning Permits may be suspended at any time under the authority of BC Wildfire Management or by order of the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief or Fire Prevention Officer.
  • Burning Permits may be suspended or revoked if the permit holder is found to be in violation of the conditions of the permit or conditions set out under the Fire Prevention Bylaw No. 10771.
Fire danger rating

The weather has a significant impact on wildfires – how they start, how aggressively they spread, and how long they burn.

Surrey staff monitor BC's Wildfire Service Fire Danger Rating on a daily basis during our hot and dry summers to determine the day's fire danger rating in Surrey. The City updates roadside signs, digital billboards, social media, and the City’s webpage accordingly throughout the fire season to advise residents and visitors of the current local fire danger rating.

Learn how to help keep your home and family safe with tips on Urban Wildfire Preparedness

Prevent accidental fires

By following a few simple rules you can enjoy the outdoors and help prevent fires:

  • Dispose of smoking materials properly and make sure they are completely extinguished. Never dispose of cigarette butts out vehicle windows or in planter boxes.
  • Don’t leave barbeques unattended and ensure they are turned off properly after you have finished using them. Keep barbeques at least 1 metre (3 feet) away from the side of buildings.
  • Explain to children the dangers of playing with and lighting fires.
  • Properly dispose of bottles and broken glass you find outdoors to avoid them magnifying the sun’s rays and starting a fire.


For more information regarding burning regulations in Surrey, email fireprevention@surrey.ca or call the Surrey Fire Prevention Division at 604-543-6780.