Located at 13231 Central Ave, West Village Energy Centre is the City’s first permanent energy centre. 

In 2020, Surrey City Energy expanded its underground pipe network to serve seven new buildings in City Centre, bringing the total number of district-energy connected buildings to 19. A similar level of growth is planned for 2021.

In 2021, 60% of the natural gas used at the West Village Energy Centre is in the form of Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) that is produced at the Surrey Biofuel Facility. The Surrey Biofuel Facility is where all the organic waste that is collected from Surrey’s residents is processed into compost and RNG. The RNG is piped through the natural gas grid and used to power the City’s waste connection vehicles, fleet vehicles, and provide sustainable heating to all residents and businesses connected to the district energy system.

A mandatory connection requirement has been established for new developments over a certain size within Surrey City Energy's service area.