The Youth Event Squad lined up against a garden and blue fence. All YES members are wearing a green volunteer shirt.

The Youth Event Squad (YES) helps City of Surrey staff plan, organize, and execute various celebrations throughout the year. 

YES is a group of youth between the ages of 13 and 18 that work alongside City of Surrey staff to ensure that youth voices are heard when planning events. YES gives young people the chance to take on leadership roles and make their ideas come to life. 

How to join YES

Do you have thoughts, opinions and ideas about your community? Your first step to become a YES member is to sign up as a City of Surrey volunteer. Volunteer applications open in June.

  1. Email for an application.
  2. Provide two references.
  3. Submit a Police Information Check
  4. Begin volunteering!

Volunteer now

Join the Youth Event Squad now by emailing to start your application!

Events YES helps with

Youth Cooking Showdown

YES helps organize a number of aspects of the Youth Cooking Showdown including:

  • what the ingredients will be
  • support in finding exciting judges
  • decides activities that will engage the crowd and participants

On the day of the event, YES members help to MC the event and support patrons who are competing to be crowned the Cooking Showdown Champion!

Surrey Slam Jam

The Surrey Slam Jam is an action packed day filled with basketball, dance, and art. YES members supported the event by working alongside City staff to:

  • design t-shirts
  • choose music
  • decide what activities and community booths should be present

On the day of the event, YES members engaged with the crowd by supporting any questions and engaged community members by offering prizes.

Kids Conference

YES organized a few different science experiments to share with the children who attended. YES members explained some concepts around chemistry and physics in a fun way to encourage children to learn and play.