Community Event Hosting Application
Review the checklist for submitting your City of Surrey event hosting application.
Interested in hosting an event in Surrey? The City of Surrey’s Festival & Event Support Team (FEST) can help make your event a success. Before your event is approved, the FEST committee reviews your event application to make sure it matches the characteristics of a special event and follows City bylaws.
- All events are subject to the Special Events Bylaw No. 14731.
- If your event is happening in a park, the organizer will be subject to the Parks Bylaw No. 13480. See more information on hosting an event in a park.
Complete these steps to get started
1. Check the Special Event Requirements
Before you get started filling out your application, check if your event:
- Is open to all members of the public;
- Is inclusive in the design, promotion and delivery of the event;
- Celebrates or displays a specific theme;
- Takes place once a year or less frequently;
- Has a pre-determined opening and closing date/time;
- Might pose a level of risk not normally expected with the use of the property, which must be mitigated through certain processes.
2. Review Guidelines
Before filling out the application, take a moment to review the Event Guide's Policies and Procedures. When filling out the application form please consider the following:
- All cost recoveries to the city, including police presence if required, must be 100% in advance of your event date.
- Your event may require additional permits (for example a temporary tent and/or an electrical permit).
- If you are serving food or providing concession at your event you will require Temporary Food permits from the Fraser Health Authority.
- The City of Surrey requires that the special event applicant and permit holder must maintain a minimum $5,000,000 public liability insurance naming the City of Surrey as an “additional insured party”.
- The applicant must sign a form agreeing to indemnify and hold the City of Surrey harmless from and against any liability, loss, claims, demands, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, occasioned wholly or in part by any negligence or acts of omissions related to the Special Event.
3. Submit Application
The FEST Committee requires a minimum of 90 days' notice for an event application. For more complex events that would include road closures or traffic management plans, the FEST Committee requests a minimum 120 days' notice. Please make sure you have checked your event meets special events requirements and guidelines.
- Submit a FEST application online
- Await feedback from the FEST Committee
- Respond to each question from FEST Committee members
- Receive conditional approval
- Apply for and receive appropriate permits
- Pay any applicable event fees and costs
- Receive final event permit
- Have a successful event that meets all FEST requirements!
Before you submit your application, double check that you have:
- filled out the FEST application in its entirety.
- included the necessary documentation regarding traffic plans if road access is required.
- included the necessary documentation regarding security, first-aid, and parking.
- provided the signed copies of the Hold Harmless Agreement and Certificate of Insurance.
- reviewed the Fraser Health Authority permit process for temporary food service.
- included your legal society or charity name with key contact information for individuals organizing the event.
- reviewed the City of Surrey Building and/or Electrical Sections requirements to see if permits are required for staging, tenting, or electrical provision.
4. Waiting for Your Application
The FEST Committee meets monthly. Upon review of your application, you will receive follow up questions directly from committee members through your FEST online account and/or conditional approvals. Once all the conditions have been met, and any fees have been paid, you will receive your final approval and permit.
5. Paying for Your Permit
Depending on the scale and other permits required, your payment amount will vary. Once we review and approve your application, you will be sent an invoice listing the required payments.
All cost recoveries to the City, including police presence if required, must be 100% in advance of your event date.
Accepted Payment
Payments are accepted in-person at Surrey City Hall by cash, cheque or debit. Credit cards are not accepted.
You can also mail a cheque to:
Surrey City Hall
Festival and Event Support Committee
13450 - 104 Avenue Surrey, BC V3T 1V8