Learn about Surrey's development cost charges (DCCs) and rates.

The City of Surrey levies Development Cost Charges (DCCs) on new developments to help fund the costs of expanding and upgrading the City’s road, water, drainage and sewer services, and for parkland acquisition or improvement, to meet the needs of projected growth that's expected to occur within the next 10 years, as outlined in the 10-Year Servicing Plan.

DCCs are generally updated annually to reflect current costs and growth trends.

How DCCs work

DCCs are charged at the subdivision stage when creating new single-family lots, or at the building permit stage for multi-family, commercial, industrial, and institutional development.

The City of Surrey has had Development Cost Charges since 1978. The collection and usage of DCCs are legislated under the Provincial Local Government Act and the accompanying DCC Best Practices Guide, which outlines project eligibility requirements. DCCs cannot be used to fund any projects that do not meet the eligibility requirements.

Projects DCCs help pay for

DCCs are used to meet growth-related infrastructure needs by funding:

  • Transportation: new roads and bridges, road widening, capacity improvements, signalization, and sidewalks and cycle tracks;
  • Water: new and upgraded water mains, new water pump stations and reservoirs;
  • Sewer: new trunk mains, new sanitary pump stations and sewer upgrades;
  • Drainage: stormwater ponds and pump stations, culvert upgrades and storm sewer upgrades; and,
  • Parks: acquiring parkland for parks and greenways and completing park improvements. This also includes acquiring green infrastructure network (GIN) lands as identified in the City's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy.

Development Cost Charge Bylaw

The City's current Development Cost Charges Bylaw number 21174 came into effect on May 15, 2024 and was amended in April 2024. In-stream applications submitted prior to May 15, 2024 will have one year to complete in order to qualify for the previous (2023) DCC rates.

Development Cost Charge reports

Local governments are authorized to collect DCCs under the Local Government Act, and as outlined in Part 14, Division 19, Section 569. The City of Surrey is required to complete a DCC Report for each year. The City's Annual (2022) Development Cost Charge Report summarizes the following:

  • 2021 Year End DCC Reserve Account Balance
  • 2022 DCC Expenditures
  • 2022 DCC Contributions
  • 2022 Year End DCC Reserve Account Balance


Learn more about Development Cost Charges.

Contact Andy Sareen at andy.sareen@surrey.ca with any questions or comments on DCCs in Surrey.