Surrey Seen: Surrey Stories
This publication features fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry on the theme of Surrey produced as part of a writing competition organized by Kwantlen University College in cooperation with the Surrey Art Gallery. The writings were chosen by the jury as the best in each category. They include Fiction: Skim Milk by Lois J. Peterson; Poetry: Smoke and Pool Hall Lights by Deanne Dolhon, Contemplating the Moon, Crescent Beach by Max Plater and Connections in the City by Boshra Rasti-Ghalati; Creative Non-Fiction: Web of Time by Bev Schellenberg, Surrey’s Not Like It Used to Be by Pamela Kent, Surrey Central by Juliana Laskowska and Blackie Spit by Kelly Douglas. Also included are digital photographs of Surrey taken by youth, including Paul Wittal, Mary Ayoub, Emily Lampson, Inder Nirwan, Maimoona Ahmed, Joseph Kim and David Chen. Introduction by Curator, Liane Davison. This publication recognizes the Surrey Art Gallery’s 30th Anniversary.
40 pages plus cover, black and white photographs
$10 + Applicable taxes and shipping
ISBN 0-920181-63-5