Review Surrey's library of regulatory bylaws.

Regulatory bylaws contain information regarding all aspects of living, working, visiting and developing in Surrey.

Bylaws are updated from time to time. Prior versions of regulatory bylaws are available upon request from the City Clerk. Please note that these bylaws may be office consolidations and are provided for your convenience.

Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy; however, for legal purposes, please contact the Legislative Services Division at for certified versions of the original bylaw and all of its amendments.

To report a bylaw infraction, contact our Bylaw Enforcement team at 604-591-4370 or

For help locating a specific bylaw, contact Legislative Services at

Learn more about reporting common property use bylaw infractions.

Animal / Wildlife Bylaws

2279     Regulation of Fur Farms

3050     Kennels Regulation

4349     Pigeon & Dove Keeping

4362     Bee Keeping

7065     Compensation for Animals Injured/Killed by Dogs

8369     Sale of Turtles

11767    Wild/Exotic Animal Performance

13548    Cat Spay/Neuter Regulation

15199    Sale & Purchase of Exotic Animals

18754    Chicken Keeping

19105    Animal Responsibility

Building and Development Bylaws

3551      Blasting and Explosive Agents

4450      Private Swimming Pool & Fence Requirements

4726      Connection of Electrical Services

6569      Plumbing Installation & Inspection

7957      Development Cost Charge - payment by Installments

8830      Land Development & Subdivision

10538    Sprinkler Regulations for High-Rises

11039    Deposition of Contaminated Soil

16100    Tree Protection

21181    Erosion and Sediment Control

16337   Waterworks Regulation & Charges

16389    Soil Removal & Deposition

16394    Abandoned & Vacant Properties

16610    Stormwater Drainage Regulation & Charges

16611    Sanitary Sewer Regulation & Charges

17409    Development Application Process

17667    District Energy System

17686    Rental Premises Standards of Maintenance

17850    Building Construction Regulation

17988    Waterworks Cross-Connection Control

18642    Development Permit Procedures and Delegation

20865    Development Cost Charge (in-stream applications only)

21174    Development Cost Charge

19453    Demolition Waste and Recyclable Materials

19768    Off-Street Parking Reserve Fund

19769    Alternative Transportation Infrastructure Reserve Fund

20620    Delegation of Council Authority for Minor Development Variance Permits

Business Bylaws

2076      Store Opening

4323      Pool Rooms & Billiard Halls

7778      Commercial Vehicle Licensing

13183    Second Hand Dealers & Pawnbrokers

13622    Sale of Pepper Spray

13656    Signage Regulations

13680    Business Licence

17410    Medical Marijuana

17809    Fraser Valley Inter-Municipal Business Licence Fees

18018    Metro West Inter-Municipal Business Licence Fees

20030    Inter-Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Agreement

20938    Inter-Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Bylaw

20939    Inter-Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Scheme

20250    Plastic Bags and Other Single-Use Items

Committees, Commissions & Board Bylaws

11331    Surrey Museum

13282    Surrey Heritage Advisory Commission

13804    Public Library Facilities Regulation

15099    Heritage Sites Financial Assistance

17282    Board of Variance

20018    Ethics Commissioner

Community Bylaws

1500      Naming of Streets and Numbering of Houses

2131      Sanitation of Food Establishments

3062      Sunday Sports & Entertainment

3470      Public Parking Lots

4659      Curfew for Children Aged 15 and Under

6900      Sunday & Holiday Shopping

7044      Noise Control

8688      Explicit Content Restrictions for Film and Print

10771    Fire Regulations & Public Burning

12559    Emergency & Disaster Response

12883    Nuisance Bylaw

13007    Highway, Traffic & Parking Regulation

13480    Parks, Recreation & Cultural Facilities

13610    Vehicles for Hire & Towing Regulation

13656    Signage Regulations

14360    Late Night Event Restriction

14731    Special Events Permit Requirements

15039    Methadone Dispensing

15059    Regulation of Prostitution Services

15454    Sprinkling Regulations

15820    Controlled Substance Bylaw

16174    Cemetery Management

16393    Property Maintenance and Unsightly Premises

16655    Scrap Metal Dealer

16694    Public Health Smoking Protection

17535    Train Engine Anti-Whistling 

18931    Heritage Property Standards of Maintenance

20250    Plastic Bags and Other Single-Use Items

Fees and Taxes Bylaws

4422      Unpaid Property Tax Penalties

7022      Taxes/Interest

11835    Tax Pre-Payment Plan

12508    Bylaw Contravention Fines

13007    Highway, Traffic & Parking Regulation

13168    False Alarm

13610    Vehicles for Hire & Towing Regulation

13662    Freedom of Information

13680    Business Licence Fees

14577    Administrative Costs & Municipal Services Fee Setting

15391    Parks, Recreation & Culture Rental and Admission Fees

15596    Electrical Permit Fees

16100   Tree Protection

16337    Waterworks Regulation & Charges

16610    Stormwater Drainage Regulation & Charges

16611    Sanitary Sewer Regulation & Charges

17356    Secondary Suite Service Fee

17809    Fraser Valley Inter-Municipal Business Licence Fees

17988    Waterworks Cross Connection Control

18018    Metro West Inter-Municipal Business Licence Fees

18395    Capital Parcel Tax 

18641    Land Use & Development Application Fees

18691    Bylaw Notice Enforcement

19453    Demolition Waste and Recyclable Materials

19858    Municipal and Regional District Tax

20030    Inter-Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Agreement

20938    Inter-Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Bylaw

20939    Inter-Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Scheme

Fire, Firearms and Fireworks Bylaws

4200      Use & Sale of Fireworks

10771    Fire Regulations & Public Burning

12349    Discharge of Fire Arms

12844    Fire Dispatch Service Agreement

13168    False Alarm

19108    Public Safety Radio Building Amplification System

Garbage Bylaws

18412    Waste Management Regulations and Charges

20250    Plastic Bags and Other Single-Use Items

Information and Administration Bylaws

12167    Appointment of Bylaw Officers

12196    Code of Conduct for Officers & Employees of the City

12825    Neighbourhood Concept Plan Reserve Fund

13662    Freedom of Information

14577    Administrative Costs & Municipal Services Fee Setting

15300    Council Procedures

15912    Indemnification for Officers, Employees and Members of Council

15913    Authority of the Officers of the City

16535    Purchase & Expenditure Authorization

16895    Authorized Signatories

17002    Corporate Records Responsibility

17393    Local Government Elections & Voting Procedures

20020    Council Code of Conduct

21056    Alternative Means of Publishing a Notice

21107    Public Notification Requirement for OCP Bylaw and Zoning Bylaw

21182    Public Notification Requirement of Development Variance Permit

Trees and Related Land Bylaws

1915     Noxious Weeds

1501     Control of Infectious/Communicable Diseases (mice/rats)

5475     Cutting Growth on Lands Adjacent to Highways

5835     Tree Cutting on City Land & Boulevards

16100   Tree Protection

17160   Pesticide Use Regulation

Water & Sewer Bylaws

3136       Levying of Taxation

14593     Drainage Parcel Tax

15454     Sprinkling Regulations

16337     Waterworks Regulation & Charges

16610     Stormwater Drainage Regulation & Charges

16611     Sanitary Sewer Regulation & Charges

17988     Waterworks Cross-Connection Control

Zoning Related Bylaws

6142       Mobile Homes & Trailer

12000     Zoning

18020     Official Community Plan