Learn about the structure and function of the Corporate Services Department.

Department overview

Corporate Services consists of key areas that support the overall core deliverables of the City.

Our department includes the following divisions:

Bylaw & Licensing Services

Bylaw & Licensing Services is responsible for:

  • Enforcement of regulatory bylaws
  • Issuance of business licenses
  • Animal control functions and operation of the Surrey Animal Resource Centre
  • Parking enforcement
  • Corporate security services, which are in part delivered by contractors at City sites

Using both complaints from the public and a proactive approach, enforcement staff focus on working with property owners to gain compliance for safety, maintenance, beautification and livability issues within the community.

Email: bylawcomplaint@surrey.ca

Director, Bylaw & Licensing Services
Jas Johal
Phone: 604-591-4370

Civic Facilities Operations & Maintenance

The Civic Facilities Division is responsible for keeping city facilities running smoothly, safely, and sustainably. They do this by:

  • Managing day-to-day operations
  • Performing regular maintenance to ensure safety
  • Taking care of important assets
  • Following rules and regulations
  • Coordinating emergency responses
  • Planning for future repairs and upgrades

Director, Civic Facilities Operations & Maintenance 
Farhad Alizadeh
Phone: 604-590-7297

Human Resources

Human Resources is responsible for:

  • Recruiting talented individuals
  • Administering benefits
  • Overseeing organizational health and safety practices
  • Addressing labour relations issues
  • Employee communications
  • Developing the City’s diverse workforce

For more information about working for the City of Surrey, visit our Jobs & Careers section.

Email: humanresources@surrey.ca
Phone: 604-591-4660
Fax: 604-591-4517

Chief Human Resources Officer
Anita Sanghera
Phone: 604-591-4832

Information Technology

Information Technology is responsible for enabling internal and external customers with appropriate technology, information, and applications to maximize business effectiveness. This includes:

  • Application Services
  • Business Solutions Services
  • Infrastructure Services

Chief Information Officer
Sean Simpson
Phone: 604-591-4730

Legislative Services

Legislative Services is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the City conducts business in accordance with all levels of government legislation
  • Carrying out the statutory responsibilities of the Corporate Officer as legislated under the Community Charter

Council meetings and bylaws

Legislative Services also:

  • Prepares and distributes Council meeting agendas
  • Records and preserves minutes of Council meetings and Council committees
  • Preserves, completes, and makes available to the public all municipal bylaws

Freedom of information

In addition, Legislative Services manages the City's compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation. This includes:

  • Managing the Corporate Records​ program and the City’s privacy practices
  • Responding to requests for information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Pension and proof of life documents

Pension and proof of life documents are also available through Legislative Services.

  • Call 604-591-4132 or email clerks@surrey.ca to set up an appointment for pension and proof of life documents


Legislative Services also coordinates and conducts municipal elections every four years to elect the City's Mayor and Council.

Email: clerks@surrey.ca

City Clerk, Legislative Services
Jennifer Ficocelli
Phone: 604-591-4380

Marketing & Corporate Communications

Our Marketing & Corporate Communications division is responsible for providing strategic guidance and enterprise services to the City relating to marketing, communications and branding.

The Digital Communications team manages the City’s web and digital channels, ensuring effective customer engagement, current technology and best practices.

Director, Communications and Engagement 
Caroline Tallarico (acting)
Email: ctallarico@surrey.ca
Phone: 604-591-4053

Manager, Marketing and Corporate Communications
Darryl McCarron
Email: DLMcCarron@surrey.ca
Phone: 604-598-5785

Police Support Services

The Police Support Services Division is responsible for providing support to the operations of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Surrey Police Services (SPS) members in Surrey.

The City of Surrey currently contracts policing services from the RCMP. As part of this contract, the City provides support services through municipal employees that administer police systems, provide analytical and strategic support, and manage equipment and vehicle fleets.

Director, Police Support Services
Arjen Ordeman
Email: aaordeman@surrey.ca


General Manager
Joey Brar
Phone: 604-591-4655

Administrative Coordinator
Melanie Reynolds
Phone: 604-591-4303
Email: melanie.reynolds@surrey.ca