City of Surrey

Find out how Electrical Contractor Performance Monitoring will increase the speed and quality of projects in Surrey.

Electrical Contractor Performance Monitoring (ECPM) is a performance-based program that seeks to maximize contractor education and support through efficient oversight of low-risk work.

Site visits requested by contractors are assessed by City of Surrey’s Electrical Safety Officers (ESOs) based on a data-driven performance model, which is determined by a contractor’s volume of inspections and history of performance over the last year’s period.

The Electrical Safety Officers attend numerous inspections and respond to many inquiries daily.

ECPM allows Surrey’s Electrical Safety Officers to allocate more time to complex projects, and ultimately increasing the speed and quality of projects in Surrey.

Benefits of ECPM

ECPM provides many benefits to contractors and ESOs, such as:

  • The City of Surrey’s Electrical Section can focus on key elements that pose the greatest safety concerns
  • Allows ESOs to spend more time with contractors that need more attention and support
  • Increases the City’s capacity to respond to requests
  • Supports low-risk site attendances to be Accepted on Contractor Declaration through performance monitoring
  • Increases the speed and quality of development in Surrey
  • Increases contractor accountability
  • Eligible electrical contractors can dedicate more time to sites that require a greater degree of technical expertise
  • Allows a higher level of attention on higher-risk installations


While the program is available to all electrical contractors, eligibility is based per permit type:

  • 10 or more inspection requests in the last 12 months.
  • A minimum 90% inspection pass rate on all requests combined.
Eligibility Icons


*ESO reviews for other requests, including Services and Final Complete requests remain mandatory.  

ECPM eligibility is based on the last 12 months; contractor performances are updated in real-time and updated daily.

To maintain eligibility, a contractor must review their identified non-compliances and achieve compliance moving forward.

Certificate of Inspection Permit status updates

Types & definitions

Additional status updates have been added to better describe the results of your inspection and permit status. Inspection status updates are directly tied to ECPM eligibility.

The new permit status updates apply to all electrical inspections. See below for all permit status update types and definitions:


  • Passed: Site is approved to continue to next phase.
  • Passed, Hydro Connection Required: Requested service is OK to be energized. Current permit is issued to BC Hydro.  
  • Passed with Deficiencies (NEW!): OK to proceed to next phase. FSR required to review items identified by ESO.
  • Accepted on Declaration (NEW!): This attempt result is not included in ECPM performance calculations.


Re-call required. Re-attendance to be determined by the ESO

  • Failed: A reinspection for deficiencies corrected is required for review by the ESO.
  • Failed, Compliance Order Issued: This attempt result is not included in ECPM. This status update primarily pertains to property owners and operators.
  • Failed, Re-inspection Fee Applied: A reinspection for deficiencies corrected is required for review by the ESO. E.g., site conditions confirm the FSR did not personally review before submitting declaration of compliance.
  • Failed, Hazard Identified. Re-inspection Fee (NEW!): A hazardous “as found condition” has been identified and requires immediate remediation. E.g., an energized open conductor is found by a safety officer where a possible fire and shock hazard has been identified on a field review.
  • Failed, Insufficient Submission (NEW!): 
    In-office Review
    5 of these status updates = 1 non-compliance identified in ECPM.
    Technical details on the submitted declaration do not meet the permit scope/details or conditions. This is identified by the ESO prior to attendance.


  • Cancelled: A request has been cancelled by a contractor or was incorrectly booked.
  • Deferred: The request has been deferred to the next business day for review by the ESO.

*These status updates are not included in ECPM performance calculations.


For more information, review the Electrical Contractor Performance Monitoring Program bulletin.

For further questions about the Electrical Contractor Performance Monitoring program, please contact the Electrical Contractor Performance Monitoring inbox at

Any emails regarding ECPM sent to and will not be reviewed.

If you would like to know your current contractor status, please discuss with your ESO on your next inspection appointment. Refer to the Inspection Map to view your local area ESO.