Find out all the requirements and application process to demolish any building or structure in Surrey.

You need a Demolition Permit in Surrey for the demolition of all buildings and structures.

How to apply

Download the Guide to Applying for a Demolition Permit for a Building or Structure.

Complete the Building Permit Application Form and submit the required documents, plans, and fees to the City of Surrey's Building Division by email, or in-person by appointment.

Digital permit intakes

Planning & Development permits can be submitted by email to

Before submitting your application, review the digital submission guide. You will be contacted once we have reviewed your submission.

All permit application processes will remain the same, apart from receiving the physical document copies. Hard copies of permit application submissions may be necessary and requested depending on the scope of work and project size, upon completion of the digital submission.

Professionals you may need

  • A Registered Professional (RP) will be required in the case of a partial demolition.
  • A pest management company may be required if the building is derelict or has been used for agricultural purposes. The pest management company may need to confirm that an appropriate rodent control program has been completed.
  • A Certified Arborist may be required to be on site during demolition.


Applicants will be directed to the Engineering Department to review their requirements. This will include arranging and paying for the water shut off by City staff, capping of existing sanitary and storm connections marked by a 2X4 within two meters of the property line, and completing a pre-damage form.

Any anticipated impacts to City roads (including sidewalks and boulevards), such as obstructions or use of City road rights-of way for construction or demolition equipment, will require authorization and appropriate permits.

If the permit application is for the demolition of a single family dwelling and an existing accessory building is being retained on the property, a Building Permit for a New Single Family Dwelling may be required prior to issuance of the Demolition Permit.

Applicants must also submit a Waste Disposal and Recycling Services Plan which includes an inventory and the estimated weight of the recyclable material present at your demolition site.

Required documents

Include the following documents with your application:


The Building Permit fee is due at the time of application for your Demolition Permit. Demolition permits also require a non-refundable $250 administration fee and a refundable $5000 Waste Diversion Deposit under the Demolition Waste and Recyclable Materials Bylaw, No. 19453.

Your $5,000 waste diversion deposit will be returned in full when 70 per cent or more of your demolition and construction waste is diverted from the landfill. If less than 70 per cent of your waste is diverted, the refund will be adjusted on a sliding scale based on the diversion achieved.

Required drawings

A site plan indicating the location of all existing structures and all proposed new buildings, if applicable.

Special instructions

Protection of trees

All trees (as defined by Surrey Tree Protection Bylaw, No 16100) must be protected during demolition. This policy is adhered to unless the demolition is not possible with trees in place.

There are two options to satisfy your tree protection requirements for the Demolition Permit:

  1. Submit a letter from a Certified Arborist stating that the owner has hired the Arborist to be on site during the demolition. After the demolition is complete, the Arborist will submit a letter stating the condition of the trees. This letter will be needed in order to finalize the Demolition Permit. Barriers will not need to be constructed if an Arborist is on site.
  2. Erect barriers to protect trees from damage during the demolition. It will be necessary to arrange for a City Arborist to visit the property to perform a field check on the tree barriers to confirm the barriers are of acceptable size (as defined in the Tree Protection Bylaw 2006, No. 16100).

The following may also be required based on the above field checks:

  • additional tree barriers may need to be erected to prevent damage to protected trees (as defined in the Tree Protection Bylaw 2006, No. 16100) during the demolition;
  • a tree removal permit may need to be obtained if trees are to be removed.

An additional field check may be required to ensure that these requirements have been met. 

Heritage designation

City staff will determine whether the building or structure is protected under a heritage designation.

Fire safety

In addition, a Construction Fire Safety Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Fire Department for all Demolition Permits except for demolition of single family dwellings.

Garbage and recycling cart retrieval

Once your water shut off has been initiated, the City will retrieve your waste carts (garbage, recycling and organics). To schedule a cart removal, please call our Garbage & Recycling Hotline at 604-590-7289 and ensure that your carts are accessible and visible from the front of your property.

Clean wood ban

Metro Vancouver has banned clean wood from disposal. Clean wood is not allowed in garbage loads delivered to the Surrey Transfer Station or to other Metro Vancouver facilities.

Gypsum disposal & recycling

Metro Vancouver has created a special program for residents to dispose of used gypsum (also known as drywall, gyproc, wallboard or plasterboard). For instructions on how to dispose of Used Gypsum or recycling New Gypsum, please visit Metro Vancouver’s New and Used Gypsum page. This program is available to residents only. Used gypsum from contractors and businesses is not accepted.

After you apply

Once the Building Official is satisfied that all the requirements have been met, the Demolition Permit will be issued. When all required documentation has been submitted, a straightforward application may be processed within a week. Any applicable conditions will be listed on the actual Demolition Permit.