Apply for a Single Family Dwelling Permit to construct a new single family dwelling.

A building permit is required in Surrey for the construction of a new single family dwelling.

Learn the process of how to build a house in Surrey, including an overview of when you're permitted to build a house with a basement or with a secondary suite.

How to apply

Apply through the Planning and Development Client Services Centre

All complete Single Family Dwelling applications can be submitted to the Planning and Development Client Services Centre at 604-591-4086. Only complete applications will be accepted. See the required documents, drawings and fees sections for complete submission requirements. 

Apply online

Recent subdivisions building permit applications can be submitted through the MySurrey Portal. Learn more about submitting an online application for Single Family Dwelling Building Permit.

Professionals you may need

A Registered Professional (RP) may be required to provide a Schedule B to accompany signed and sealed drawings.

A Hydro Geologist may be required to provide proof of well water potability and quantity.

A Design Consultant may be required to approve and sign drawings.

Required documents

Include the following documents with your application:

  • Building Permit Application Form;
  • Single Family Dwelling Building Permit Application Checklist;
  • Owner Authorization Form (if the Applicant is not the Owner);
  • Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) Builder or Owner builder form;
  • a current Title Search of the property (may be obtained from the Land Title Office);
  • a Schedule A if more than one Registered Professional is involved;
  • a Schedule B to accompany each Registered Professional’s signed and sealed drawings;
  • a Building Scheme Design Approval (if applicable);
  • Fraser Health septic approval (if applicable);
  • proof of well water potability and quantity by a registered Hydro Geologist (if applicable);
  • Soil Deposition Letter (if applicable); and
  • a storm outfall proposal for infill lots only. A letter from a professional engineer may be required (if applicable), indicating the elevation of the 100-year hydraulic grade line (HGL).

Drawing requirements

Include the following plans with your application:

  • one (1) set of plans, signed and sealed by a Registered Professional:
    • all applicable site plan(s), foundation plan(s), crawlspace plan(s), floor plan(s), roof plan(s), cross section(s);
    • an elevation drawing;
    • an engineered truss layout;
    • a topographical survey plan for infill lots only that is original and no older than six (6) months;
    • construction details; and
    • moisture management details (rain screen details).

All plans and information submitted must be legible and suitable quality for scanning. Minimum size 11" x 17" sheets are required (24" x 36" preferred). Blueprint paper, vellum or graph paper will not be accepted. Drawings in colour ink or in pencil will not be accepted. Drawings should not be laminated. Reversed plans are not acceptable.

Drawings, except the site plan, will be accepted in imperial measures until such time as local industry standards for residential construction are converted to metric standard. Grade elevations must be in metric and to the Geodetic Survey of Canada datum.

If you cannot prepare acceptable drawings yourself, please retain the services of a qualified designer.


The building permit fee is due at the time of application and will also include the damage deposit.

After you apply

Any corrections/changes after building permit approval must be made on the original, approved drawings and resubmitted. An application form for changes can be found here. These corrections/changes to be approved by the designer, design consultant and engineer, where applicable.

Transfer of Permit application change

The Transfer of Permit allows for the transfer of single family dwelling permits from the original permit owner to a new person. This process is needed when selling a property under construction or renovation to ensure the smooth continuation of the project, and ensure any refundable deposits are returned to the right individual.

Since January 1, 2020, all transfer of permit requests now require the new permit owner to provide replacement deposits before permits can be transferred. Any refundable deposits will be returned to the person who originally paid the deposits.

To begin, call the Client Services Centre at 604-591-4086 to confirm a transfer of permit is applicable to your project and for further processing details.