Semiahmoo Town Centre Plan
Review the land use plan for Semiahmoo Town Centre.
The Semiahmoo Town Centre Plan (TCP) was approved by Council on January 31, 2022. The plan is the result of five years of work, engagement, and the involvement of thousands of residents and stakeholders. The Plan envisions a compact, sustainable, transit-supportive urban centre that forms the cultural and commercial heart of South Surrey. The TCP will guide growth and redevelopment for the next 30 years.
Development applications consistent with the approved plan may now be considered in the area. Residents will continue to have an opportunity to comment on rezoning applications on a project-by-project basis through the development process.
Plan Area
The plan area extends from 16 Avenue (North Bluff Road) in the south to 24 Avenue in the north, and from around Martin Drive in the west to Earl Marriott Secondary School in the east. The total study area includes 136 hectares (336 acres).

Background Information
In 2018, Staff began a new planning process for Semiahmoo. The planning process followed the City’s typical two stage land use land use planning method. Stage 1 involved the development of a draft land use plan, including background studies, preliminary servicing reviews and land use option development. Stage 2 involved the development of engineering servicing strategies, design guidelines, policy development, and a financial strategy.
The planning process included a comprehensive community engagement strategy that included:
- 2 workshops
- 3 open houses
- 8 community surveys
- site visits
- dozens of stakeholder meetings
Community engagement activities undertaken from 2018-2021 are outlined in the Engagement Summary.
On March 9, 2020, Council endorsed Corporate Report R049 which approved the updated Stage 1 Plan and directed staff to undertake the Stage 2 planning process.
On January 31, 2022, Council endorsed Corporate Report R025 which concluded the planning process and approved the final Stage 2 Semiahmoo TCP.
Contact Information
Planning & Development
Are you considering developing or rezoning? The first step is a Pre-Application Meeting.