City of Surrey

Review the land use plan for South Campbell Heights that will guide growth, support future employment opportunities and natural area conservation.

South Campbell Heights is a land use plan area along the border of Langley. The plan will guide growth and development in terms of land use, transportation and community amenities such as parks. 


On December 16, 2024, Council approved Stage 2 South Campbell Heights Local Area Plan. The plan will guide growth and development in terms of land use, transportation, and community amenities. Development applications consistent with the approved plan may now be considered in the area. Residents will continue to have an opportunity to comment on rezoning applications on a project-by-project basis through the development process. 

Plan area

The South Campbell Heights LAP includes Mixed Employment, Conservation and Recreation designated lands south of the existing Campbell Heights Business Park near the Township of Langley border, encompassing an approximate area of an additional 249 hectares (615 acres).

Map of the South Campbell Heights plan area


On December 16, 2024, Council endorsed Corporate Report R265 which concluded the planning process and approved the South Campbell Heights Plan. 

On July 24, 2023, Council endorsed Corporate Report R123 and approved minor changes to the land use plan and local road network, and provided details on the outstanding Stage 2 work that is still to be completed.

On March 7, 2022, Surrey City Council adopted the Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw, 2021, No. 20393, to align the Surrey OCP with the revised Stage 1 Land Use Plan for South Campbell Heights as identified in Corporate Report R147, and staff initiated the Stage 2 Local Area Plan process. 

On February 25, 2022, the MVRD Board adopted a Type 3 amendment to Metro Vancouver 2040: Shaping our Future (Metro 2040), the regional growth strategy, for the South Campbell Heights area. The amendment changed the regional land use designations of approximately 228 hectares of Rural land to Mixed Employment, Conservation and Recreation, and Agricultural. It redesignated approximately 13 hectares of land from Mixed Employment to Conservation and Recreation, extended the Urban Containment Boundary by approximately 223 hectares, and removed a Special Study Area overlay for this area. 

On February 14, 2022, the City of Surrey forwarded Corporate Report R036 to the Metro Vancouver Board to address MVRD Board Comments. 

On January 31, 2022, Metro Vancouver directors supported a motion to refer the South Campbell Heights proposal back to Metro Vancouver staff, with instructions to discuss concerns that have been raised by the board with the City of Surrey. 

The City worked with Metro Vancouver staff and employment land stakeholders to create a draft revised Stage 1 plan to better respond to regional concerns. It was approved by Surrey City Council in July 2021.

In May 2018, the Metro Vancouver Board referred the South Campbell Heights RGS amendment application back to the City of Surrey to consider alternatives.

In November 2017, Council endorsed Corporate Report R201, which gave third reading to Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2013, No. 18020, Amendment Bylaw, 2017, No. 19362. The bylaw amendments related to the approval of the Stage 1 South Campbell Heights Land Use Plan.  An application for amendment to the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) was subsequently submitted to the Metro Vancouver Board for consideration.

On July 24, 2017, Council endorsed Corporate Report R171, which approved the initial Stage 1 South Campbell Heights Land Use Plan. 

In September 2015, Council endorsed Corporate Report R187, which initiated a Local Area Planning process for the South Campbell Heights Area.

In September 2014, Council endorsed Corporate Report R152, which authorized staff to conduct background studies, including an environmental study, a market demand assessment and engineering servicing studies in advance of a Local Area Planning process for the South Campbell Heights Special Study Area. 

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