Get around Surrey by walking, cycling, or taking transit.

You don't need a car to get around Surrey – walking, cycling and taking transit are all great options for getting where you need to go.

Not only are these options better for the environment, but they are more cost-effective and help to promote a healthy lifestyle. The City prioritizes pedestrian and cyclist safety and convenience as part of our overall Transportation Strategic Plan, which includes a Walking Plan, Cycling Plan and Safe Mobility Plan.

Transit is another economical way to get around Surrey.

Person walking across a crosswalk in Surrey.


Walking is a great, economical and environmentally friendly mode of transportation in Surrey. We are always working to improve walkability by building up our walking infrastructure to provide safe and accessible paths for all residents. From crosswalks and streetlights to programs for safe travel to school, we are committed to making Surrey a walk-friendly city.

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Another favourite eco-friendly travel option is cycling. With a large cycling network across the City, riders can find bike lanes, greenways and paths. Before you hop on your bike, make sure you read up on cycling safety and security to get the most enjoyable ride.

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Cyclist in bike lane.
Transit Hub Buses


Together with TransLink, we are always working to improve access to transit in Surrey. With multiple Skytrain stations, bus exchanges and stops, we encourage residents to use this economical and environmentally-friendly way to travel. Our transit network will soon be expanding with the addition of the new Fraser Highway SkyTrain extension that will connect Surrey and Langley.

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