Apply for a Building Envelope Remediation Permit for building envelope repairs

You need a permit for all building envelope repairs.

How to apply

Complete the Building Permit Application Form and submit the required documents, plans, and fees by email or in-person.

Digital permit intakes

Planning & Development permits can be submitted by email to

Before submitting your application, review the digital submission guide. You will be contacted once we have reviewed your submission.

Requesting hard copies for digital application submissions

Hard (physical) copies of drawings and documents may be requested throughout the permitting process. If you submit your application digitally, hard copies may be requested depending on the scope of work and project size.

Staff will communicate directly with the applicant if hard copies are required. If you submit digitally, do not send in hard copies unless requested to do so by staff. 

Professionals you may need

A Registered Professional (RP) is required to provide a Schedule B to accompany signed and sealed drawings. A Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP) is required to provide a Schedule A if there will be more than one RP.


Planning Division approval will be required if the building envelope repairs include changes to the appearance of the building such as a change in material or colour.

The following will be required for review by the Development Planning Division:

  • samples of the proposed new material or colour; and
  • photographs of the existing elevations and elevation drawings incorporating the proposed changes.

Contact the Development Planning Division front counter at 604-591-4448 for more information on pre-approval.

Required documents

Include the following documents with your application:

  • a Building Permit Application Form;
  • an Owner Authorization Form (if the Applicant is not the Owner);
  • a letter from the owner acknowledging scope of the proposed work*;
  • a Schedule A*;
  • a Schedule B for the Architectural Discipline**;
  • a Schedule B for the Structural Discipline***;
  • a Homeowner Protection Office (HPO) Building Envelope Renovation Schedule (if applicable).

* If the owner is a strata corporation, the owner information should reflect the strata name and information.

** A registered professional must accept responsibility for the following architectural items of Schedule B:

  • 1.5 and 1.6
  • 1.16 – at least "exterior finishes"
  • 1.17 – if any repairs occur below grade
  • 1.18 through 1.23.

*** A Schedule B will not be accepted without corresponding drawings/details. If the registered professional will only be involved after structural deficiencies are exposed throughout the building envelope remediation, a revision to the issued building permit shall be applied for, with Schedule B and corresponding drawings/details.

Required drawings

Include the following plans with your application:

  • two (2) sets of plans or details booklet, signed and sealed by a Registered Professional.

For further information please refer to the Building Envelope Remediation bulletin.


The building permit fee will be calculated based on the value of construction. A non‐refundable plan processing fee, equal to 35% of the estimated building permit fee, shall be submitted at the time of building permit application.